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This catalog includes an author index for about 50 files kept in
Netsivi Ben-Amots's internet site
and also subject index, year index and other selections.
Most of the files are just abstracts, some of them include links.
This internet site is very small.
Full texts are not kept here, to save space, and also
not to infringe copyright of publishers.
Most abstracts are in the memory of the dead.
Some abstracts are not available elsewhere in internet, including all abstracts of theses.
Many abstracts are on the subject of relativistic dynamics, or non-relativistic dynamics.
All abstracts may serve as appetizers, directing users to the printed papers in journals,
or to internet versions of the papers.
This site is free, with no profit intentions.
By reading or copying from this internet site, the reader/copier agrees:
The reader/copier should obey the authors and publishers' rights and copyright.
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The information in this internet site is given as is, (like in a library), without any guarantee whatsoever.
This internet site or anyone affiliated with this internet site are not responsible for any damage caused by copying or
by reading/using the copied material or by any other use of the material in this internet site.
The author index includes in each line the author(s), title, year, link to abstract (or else).
As usual in indexes, file with two authors is noted twice, etc.
All the links in this index lead to pages in English, unless written otherwise.
Anbar, M. (1927-2014) Ben-Amots, N. "Sonochemistry on primordial Earth – Its potential role in prebiotic molecular evolution," (2007)
Abstract (B&W) Abstract (color)
Band, Y., "Prof. Bilha Segev 1963-2005" Obituary
Bar-Avi, P., Porat, I. (1934-2012),
Rosenberg, J., Netzer, E., "Frequency response of a new two axis rate gyro,"
(1991) Abstract in English
Ben-Amots, N., "The dynamical behavior of a rotor on a belt suspension drive," M.Sc. thesis (1969) (In Hebrew)
Abstract in English
Abstract in Hebrew
Ben-Amots, N., "The motion of a high-speed rotor under the
influence of a moment perpendicular to the axes of precession and
nutation," D.Sc. thesis (1976) (In Hebrew) Abstract & review in English
Abstract in Hebrew
Ben-Amots, N., "Approximate analytical solution for high-speed
spin-axisymmetric rotor, using coordinate system linked
to precession and nutation," (1976) Abstract & review
Ben-Amots, N., "Basic aspect of relativistic rotation: Franklin rotation of a sphere," (2003) Abstract (B&W) Abstract (color)
Ben-Amots, N., "Detection of rotation by a local elevator-like gedanken experiment," (2005) Abstract (B&W) Abstract (color)
Ben-Amots, N., "Relativistic exponential gravitation and exponential potential of electric charge," (2007) Abstract & review (B&W)
Abstract & review (color)
Ben-Amots, N., "A new line element derived from the variable rest mass in gravitational field,"
(2008) Abstract (B&W) Abstract(color)
fulltext fulltext
Ben-Amots, N., "Waking up paralyzed," Full text (English) Full text (Hebrew)
Ben-Amots, N., "Left side at right," Full text (English) Full text (Hebrew)
Ben-Amots, N., "Shortest dictionary," Full text
Ben-Amots, N., Some publications on dynamics, List
Ben-Amots, N., "My parents," Hebrew only full text
Ben-Amots, N., "Teaching," Hebrew only full text
Ben-Amots, N., "Pipes," Hebrew only full text
Ben-Amots, N., "Almost hacker," Hebrew only full text
Ben-Amots, N., "Simulation by computer," Hebrew only full text
Ben-Amots, N., "Wind tunnels," Hebrew only full text
Ben-Amots, N., "The computer helps refining towers," Hebrew only full text
Ben-Amots, N., "Unused computer," Hebrew only full text
Ben-Amots, N., "Real time," Hebrew only full text
Ben-Amots, N., "In bio-medical engineering," Hebrew only full text
Ben-Amots, N., "Programmer," Hebrew only full text
Ben-Amots, N., "Ex-expert," Hebrew only full text
Ben-Amots, N., "On whales - animals have soul too," (2009) Hebrew full text English full text
Ben-Amots, N., "On animals' language - King Solomon's ring," (2009) Hebrew full text English full text
Ben-Amots, N., "Relativistic radial expansion: Do we need Dark Energy?"
(2011) Abstract
Ben-Amots, N., "Some features and implications of exponential gravitation,"
(2011) Abstract
Ben-Amots, N., "On the role of relativistic electrons in the
imploding stage of supernovas," (2014) Summary of lecture
Summary of lecture (color)
Ben-Amots, N., "Dino Bousso (1933-1971): Biography" (2017)
English full text
Hebrew full text
Ben-Amots, N., "Dynamics and thermodynamics of tornado: rotation effects" (2018)
English abstract
Hebrew abstract
Ben-Amots, N., Anbar, M. (1927-2014) "Sonochemistry on primordial Earth – Its potential role in prebiotic molecular evolution," (2007)
Abstract (B&W) Abstract (color)
Ben-Amots, N., Bousso, D., (1933-1971),
"A new method for obtaining large centrifugal accelerations," (1969) (In Hebrew) Abstract in English Abstract in Hebrew Fulltext
Ben-Amots, N., Bousso, D., (1933-1971), "A simple means for attaining high centrifugal acceleration," (1972) Abstract
Berger, M., Porat, I. (1934-2012), "Optimal design of a rotating disk for kinetic energy storage,"
(1988) Abstract in English
Berger, M., Porat, I. (1934-2012), "On non-smooth beam shapes for maximal transverse natural frequencies,"
(1989) Abstract in English
Bousso, D., (1933-1971) "The viscosity of air at high rates of shear," (1959) Abstract in English
Bousso, D., (1933-1971) "The viscosity of air at high rates of shear," M.Sc. thesis (1960) (In Hebrew) Abstract in English
Abstract in Hebrew
Bousso, D., (1933-1971) "A stability criterion for rotating shafts," D.Sc. thesis (1963) (In Hebrew) Abstract in English
Abstract in Hebrew
Bousso, D., (1933-1971) "A new mechanical squarer," (1964)
Bousso, D., (1933-1971) "A six degree of freedom experimental limb for thalidomide children," (1969) Abstract & review
Bousso, D., (1933-1971) "A stability criterion for rotating shafts," (1972) Abstract & reviews
Bousso, D., (1933-1971), Ben-Amots, N.,
"A new method for obtaining large centrifugal accelerations," (1969) (In Hebrew) Abstract in English Abstract in Hebrew Fulltext
Bousso, D., (1933-1971), Ben-Amots, N., "A simple means for attaining high centrifugal acceleration," (1972) Abstract
Bousso, D., (1933-1971), Ishai, G., "A study of myoelectric signals for arm prosthesis control," (1971) Abstract
Bousso, D., (1933-1971), Shohet, U., "Stability equations for a linear inflatable pouch actuator," (1970) Abstract
Buchen, P., Loewenthal, D. (1943-2000), Kagansky, A., Koren, I.,
"Zero moveout (ZMO) stacking," (1999) Abstract
Cohen, R., "Effect of the coupling between flexural and torsional vibrations on
rotors driven by a flexible shafts," D.Sc. thesis (1982) (In Hebrew)
Abstract in English Abstract in Hebrew
Cohen, R., Porat, I. (1934-2012), "Load torque effects on the critical speeds of a continuous rotor,"
(1984) Abstract in English
Cohen, R., Porat, I. (1934-2012), "Coupled torsional and transverse vibration of unbalanced rotor,"
(1985) Abstract in English
Ishai, G., Bousso, D. (1933-1971), "A study of myoelectric signals for arm prosthesis control," (1971) Abstract
Kagansky, A., Loewenthal, D. (1943-2000), Buchen, P., Koren, I.,
"Zero moveout (ZMO) stacking," (1999) Abstract
Klajn, M., (1937-2009) M.Sc. thesis (1969) (In Hebrew) Abstract in Hebrew
Klajn, M., (1937-2009) "An approximate solution for the motion of a spinning projectile with a non linear Magnus moment," (1970) Abstract
Koren, I., Loewenthal, D. (1943-2000), Buchen, P., Kagansky, A.,
"Zero moveout (ZMO) stacking," (1999) Abstract
Kornecki, Aleksander (1920-1985), "An application of
Galerkin's method to non-self-adjoint equation," (1971) Abstract
Kornecki, Aleksander (1920-1985), Lottati, I., "The effect of an
elastic foundation and of dissipative forces on the stability of fluid-conveying pipes," (1986)
Loewenthal, Dan (1943-2000),
"Method and system for removing the effect of the source wavelet from seismic data," (1988)
Patent USA No. 4,752,916 - abstract (1988).
Loewenthal, D. (1943-2000), Buchen, P., Kagansky, A., Koren, I.,
"Zero moveout (ZMO) stacking," (1999) Abstract
Loewenthal, D. (1943-2000), Robinson, E.A., "On unified dual fields theory and Einstein's
deconvolution," (2000) Abstract
Loewenthal, D. (1943-2000), Robinson, E.A, "Relativistic combination of any number of collinear
velocities and generalization of Einstein's formula," (2000) Abstract
Liu, Chen, "Speech enhancement for hearing in the "Cocktail party" environment," D.Sc. thesis (1995)
Abstract in English Abstract in Hebrew
Livny, Avinoam, "Developement of a cosmetic hand prosthesis actuated by compressed air,"
M.Sc. thesis (1969)
Abstract in English Abstract in Hebrew
Lottati, I., Kornecki, Aleksander (1920-1985), "The effect of an
elastic foundation and of dissipative forces on the stability of fluid-conveying pipes," (1986)
MacDonald, G.J.F., "Origin of the moon: dynamical considerations," (1965) Paragraphs
Marom, N., "In his memory," (2002) (In Hebrew) Obituary
Netzer, E., Bar-Avi, P., Porat, I. (1934-2012),
Rosenberg, J., "Frequency response of a new two axis rate gyro,"
(1991) Abstract in English
Netzer, E., Porat, I. (1934-2012), "A novel vibratory device for angular rate measurement," (1995) Abstract in English
Niv, M., Porat, I. (1934-2012), "Vibration of a rotating shaft by the "Timoshenko beam" Theory," (1971) Abstract in English
Ollendorf, F. (1900-1981), "Brown motion in human life," (1971) (Fulltext in Hebrew)
Page 1 Page 2
Popper, J.B. (1927-2012), "Equations of motion of rigid bodies," D.Sc. thesis (1960) (In Hebrew)
Abstract in English Abstract in Hebrew
Porat, I. (1934-2012), "Regulation of rotational velocity," D.Sc. thesis (1966) (In Hebrew) Synopsis in English Synopsis & conclusions in Hebrew
Porat, I. (1934-2012), "Optimal damping of a flexibly-mounted rotor," (1969) Abstract in English
Porat, I. (1934-2012), "Axisymmetrical auxillary mass nutation-damper," (1979) Abstract in English
Porat, I. (1934-2012), "Moments transmission by a universal joint," (1980) Abstract in English
Porat, I. (1934-2012), "Contribution to numerical computation of lateral vibration of beams," (1981) Abstract in English
Porat, I. (1934-2012), Bar-Avi, P.,
Rosenberg, J., Netzer, E., "Frequency response of a new two axis rate gyro,"
(1991) Abstract in English
Porat, I. (1934-2012), Berger, M., "Optimal design of a rotating disk for kinetic energy storage,"
(1988) Abstract in English
Porat, I. (1934-2012), Berger, M., "On non-smooth beam shapes for maximal transverse natural frequencies,"
(1989) Abstract in English
Porat, I. (1934-2012), Cohen, R., "Load torque effects on the critical speeds of a continuous rotor,"
(1984) Abstract in English
Porat, I. (1934-2012), Cohen, R., "Coupled torsional and transverse vibration of unbalanced rotor,"
(1985) Abstract in English
Porat, I. (1934-2012), Netzer, E., "A novel vibratory device for angular rate measurement," (1995} Abstract in English
Porat, I. (1934-2012), Niv, M., "Vibration of a rotating shaft by the "Timoshenko beam" Theory," (1971) Abstract in English
Porat, I. (1934-2012), Viderman, Z.,"An optimal control method for passage of a flexible rotor through resonances,"
(1987) Abstract in English
Robinson, E.A., Loewenthal, D. (1943-2000), "On unified dual fields theory and Einstein's
deconvolution," (2000) Abstract
Robinson, E.A., Loewenthal, D. (1943-2000), "Relativistic combination of any number of collinear
velocities and generalization of Einstein's formula," (2000) Abstract
Rosenberg, J., Bar-Avi, P., Porat, I. (1934-2012),
Netzer, E., "Frequency response of a new two axis rate gyro,"
(1991) Abstract in English
Segev, B., CV. Her CV
Segev, B., (1963-2005), Wells, J.C., "A Light-Fronts Approach to a Two-Center Time-Dependent Dirac Equation," (2001) Abstract
Shenhar (Shitenberg) J., "Gyroscope with elastic bearings," M.Sc. thesis (1971) (In Hebrew) Abstract in Hebrew
Shohet, U., Bousso, D., (1933-1971), "Stability equations for a linear inflatable pouch actuator," (1970) Abstract
Viderman, Z., Porat, I. (1934-2012), "An optimal control method for passage of a flexible rotor through resonances,"
(1987) Abstract in English
Wells, J.C., Segev, B. (1963-2005), "A Light-Fronts Approach to a Two-Center Time-Dependent Dirac Equation," (2001) Abstract
Yih, Chia-Shun, "Tornado-like flows," (2007) Abstract
We give three subjects:
Relativistic Dynamics,
Non-relativistic dynamics,
Other subjects.
We also give lists of:
Hebrew files.
Colored files.
Within each group we keep alphabetical order.
Ben-Amots, N., "Basic aspect of relativistic rotation: Franklin rotation of a sphere," (2003) Abstract (B&W) Abstract (color)
Ben-Amots, N., "Detection of rotation by a local elevator-like gedanken experiment," (2005) Abstract (B&W) Abstract (color)
Ben-Amots, N., "Relativistic exponential gravitation and exponential potential of electric charge," (2007) Abstract & review (B&W)
Abstract & review (color)
Ben-Amots, N., "A new line element derived from the variable rest mass in gravitational field,"
(2008) Abstract (B&W) Abstract(color)
fulltext fulltext
Ben-Amots, N., "Relativistic radial expansion: Do we need Dark Energy?"
(2011) Abstract
Ben-Amots, N., "Some features and implications of exponential gravitation,"
(2011) Abstract
Ben-Amots, N., "On the role of relativistic electrons in the
imploding stage of supernovas," (2014) Summary of lecture
Summary of lecture (color)
Ben-Amots, N., Some publications on dynamics, List
Loewenthal, Dan (1943-2000),
"Method and system for removing the effect of the source wavelet from seismic data," (1988)
Patent USA No. 4,752,916 - abstract (1988).
Loewenthal, D. (1943-2000), Robinson, E.A., "On unified dual fields theory and Einstein's
deconvolution," (2000) Abstract
Loewenthal, D. (1943-2000), Robinson, E.A, "Relativistic combination of any number of collinear
velocities and generalization of Einstein's formula," (2000) Abstract
Robinson, E.A., Loewenthal, D. (1943-2000), "On unified dual fields theory and Einstein's
deconvolution," (2000) Abstract
Robinson, E.A., Loewenthal, D. (1943-2000), "Relativistic combination of any number of collinear
velocities and generalization of Einstein's formula," (2000) Abstract
Segev, B., (1963-2005), Wells, J.C., "A Light-Fronts Approach to a Two-Center Time-Dependent Dirac Equation," (2001) Abstract
Wells, J.C., Segev, B. (1963-2005), "A Light-Fronts Approach to a Two-Center Time-Dependent Dirac Equation," (2001) Abstract
Bar-Avi, P., Porat, I. (1934-2012),
Rosenberg, J., Netzer, E., "Frequency response of a new two axis rate gyro,"
(1991) Abstract in English
Ben-Amots, N., "The dynamical behavior of a rotor on a belt suspension drive," M.Sc. thesis (1969) (In Hebrew)
Abstract in English
Abstract in Hebrew
Ben-Amots, N., "The motion of a high-speed rotor under the
influence of a moment perpendicular to the axes of precession and
nutation," D.Sc. thesis (1976) (In Hebrew) Abstract & review in English
Abstract in Hebrew
Ben-Amots, N., "Approximate analytical solution for high-speed
spin-axisymmetric rotor, using coordinate system linked
to precession and nutation," (1976) Abstract & review
Ben-Amots, N., "Simulation by computer," Hebrew only full text
Ben-Amots, N., Some publications on dynamics, List
Ben-Amots, N., "Dynamics and thermodynamics of tornado: rotation effects" (2018)
English abstract
Hebrew abstract
Ben-Amots, N., Bousso, D., (1933-1971),
"A new method for obtaining large centrifugal accelerations," (1969) (In Hebrew) Abstract in English Abstract in Hebrew Fulltext
Ben-Amots, N., Bousso, D., (1933-1971), "A simple means for attaining high centrifugal acceleration," (1972) Abstract
Berger, M., Porat, I. (1934-2012), "Optimal design of a rotating disk for kinetic energy storage,"
(1988) Abstract in English
Berger, M., Porat, I. (1934-2012), "On non-smooth beam shapes for maximal transverse natural frequencies,"
(1989) Abstract in English
Bousso, D., (1933-1971) "The viscosity of air at high rates of shear," (1959) Abstract in English
Bousso, D., (1933-1971) "The viscosity of air at high rates of shear," M.Sc. thesis (1960) (In Hebrew) Abstract in English
Abstract in Hebrew
Bousso, D., (1933-1971) "A stability criterion for rotating shafts," D.Sc. thesis (1963) (In Hebrew) Abstract in English
Abstract in Hebrew
Bousso, D., (1933-1971) "A new mechanical squarer," (1964)
Bousso, D., (1933-1971) "A stability criterion for rotating shafts," (1972) Abstract & reviews
Bousso, D., (1933-1971), Ben-Amots, N.,
"A new method for obtaining large centrifugal accelerations," (1969) Abstract in English Abstract in Hebrew Fulltext
Bousso, D., (1933-1971), Ben-Amots, N., "A simple means for attaining high centrifugal acceleration," (1972) Abstract
Bousso, D., (1933-1971), Shohet, U., "Stability equations for a linear inflatable pouch actuator," (1970) Abstract
Buchen, P., Loewenthal, D. (1943-2000), Kagansky, A., Koren, I.,
"Zero moveout (ZMO) stacking," (1999) Abstract
Cohen, R., "Effect of the coupling between flexural and torsional vibrations on
rotors driven by a flexible shafts," D.Sc. thesis (1982) (In Hebrew)
Abstract in English Abstract in Hebrew
Cohen, R., Porat, I. (1934-2012), "Load torque effects on the critical speeds of a continuous rotor,"
(1984) Abstract in English
Cohen, R., Porat, I. (1934-2012), "Coupled torsional and transverse vibration of unbalanced rotor,"
(1985) Abstract in English
Kagansky, A., Loewenthal, D. (1943-2000), Buchen, P., Koren, I.,
"Zero moveout (ZMO) stacking," (1999) Abstract
Klajn, M., (1937-2009) M.Sc. thesis (1969) (In Hebrew) Abstract in Hebrew
Klajn, M., (1937-2009) "An approximate solution for the motion of a spinning projectile with a non linear Magnus moment," (1970) Abstract
Koren, I., Loewenthal, D. (1943-2000), Buchen, P., Kagansky, A.,
"Zero moveout (ZMO) stacking," (1999) Abstract
Kornecki, Aleksander (1920-1985), "An application of
Galerkin's method to non-self-adjoint equation," (1971) Abstract
Loewenthal, D. (1943-2000), Buchen, P., Kagansky, A., Koren, I.,
"Zero moveout (ZMO) stacking," (1999) Abstract
Liu, Chen, "Speech enhancement for hearing in the "Cocktail party" environment," D.Sc. thesis (1995)
Abstract in English Abstract in Hebrew
Livny, Avinoam, "Developement of a cosmetic hand prosthesis actuated by compressed air,"
M.Sc. thesis (1969)
Abstract in English Abstract in Hebrew
Lottati, I., Kornecki, Aleksander (1920-1985), "The effect of an
elastic foundation and of dissipative forces on the stability of fluid-conveying pipes," (1986)
MacDonald, G.J.F., "Origin of the moon: dynamical considerations," (1965) Paragraphs
Netzer, E., Porat, I. (1934-2012), "A novel vibratory device for angular rate measurement," (1995) Abstract in English
Niv, M., Porat, I. (1934-2012), "Vibration of a rotating shaft by the "Timoshenko beam" Theory," (1971) Abstract in English
Ollendorf, F. (1900-1981), "Brown motion in human life," (1971) (Fulltext in Hebrew)
Page 1 Page 2
Popper, J.B. (1927-2012), "Equations of motion of rigid bodies," D.Sc. thesis (1960) (In Hebrew)
Abstract in English Abstract in Hebrew
Porat, I. (1934-2012), "Regulation of rotational velocity," D.Sc. thesis (1966) (In Hebrew) Synopsis in English Synopsis & conclusions in Hebrew
Porat, I. (1934-2012), "Optimal damping of a flexibly-mounted rotor," (1969) Abstract in English
Porat, I. (1934-2012), "Axisymmetrical auxillary mass nutation-damper," (1979) Abstract in English
Porat, I. (1934-2012), "Moments transmission by a universal joint," (1980) Abstract in English
Porat, I. (1934-2012), "Contribution to numerical computation of lateral vibration of beams," (1981) Abstract in English
Porat, I. (1934-2012), Netzer, E., "A novel vibratory device for angular rate measurement," (1995} Abstract in English
Porat, I. (1934-2012), Niv, M., "Vibration of a rotating shaft by the "Timoshenko beam" Theory," (1971) Abstract in English
Shenhar (Shitenberg) J., "Gyroscope with elastic bearings," M.Sc. thesis (1971) (In Hebrew) Abstract in Hebrew
Shohet, U., Bousso, D., (1933-1971), "Stability equations for a linear inflatable pouch actuator," (1970) Abstract
Viderman, Z., Porat, I. (1934-2012), "An optimal control method for passage of a flexible rotor through resonances,"
(1987) Abstract in English
Yih, Chia-Shun, "Tornado-like flows," (2007) Abstract
Anbar, M. (1927-2014) Ben-Amots, N. "Sonochemistry on primordial Earth – Its potential role in prebiotic molecular evolution," (2007)
Abstract (B&W) Abstract (color)
Band, Y., "Prof. Bilha Segev 1963-2000" Obituary
Ben-Amots, N., "Waking up paralyzed," Full text (English) Full text (Hebrew)
Ben-Amots, N., "Left side at right," Full text (English) Full text (Hebrew)
Ben-Amots, N., "Shortest dictionary," Full text
Ben-Amots, N., "My parents," Hebrew only full text
Ben-Amots, N., "Teaching," Hebrew only full text
Ben-Amots, N., "Pipes," Hebrew only full text
Ben-Amots, N., "Almost hacker," Hebrew only full text
Ben-Amots, N., "Wind tunnels," Hebrew only full text
Ben-Amots, N., "The computer helps refining towers," Hebrew only full text
Ben-Amots, N., "Unused computer," Hebrew only full text
Ben-Amots, N., "Real time," Hebrew only full text
Ben-Amots, N., "In bio-medical engineering," Hebrew only full text
Ben-Amots, N., "Programmer," Hebrew only full text
Ben-Amots, N., "Ex-expert," Hebrew only full text
Ben-Amots, N., "On whales - animals have soul too," (2009) Hebrew full text English full text
Ben-Amots, N., "On animals' language - King Solomon's ring," (2009) Hebrew full text English full text
Ben-Amots, N., "Dino Bousso (1933-1971): Biography" (2017)
English full text
Hebrew full text
Ben-Amots, N., Anbar, M. (1927-2014) "Sonochemistry on primordial Earth – Its potential role in prebiotic molecular evolution," (2007)
Abstract (B&W) Abstract (color)
Bousso, D., (1933-1971) "A six degree of freedom experimental limb for thalidomide children," (1969) Abstract & review
Bousso, D., (1933-1971), Ishai, G., "A study of myoelectric signals for arm prosthesis control," (1971) Abstract
Ishai, G., Bousso, D. (1933-1971), "A study of myoelectric signals for arm prosthesis control," (1971) Abstract
Marom, N., "In his memory," (2002) (In Hebrew) Obituary
Segev, B., CV. Her CV
This catalog. This catalog in black and white
Bousso, D., (1933-1971) "The viscosity of air at high rates of shear," (1959) Abstract in English
Popper, J.B. (1927-2012), "Equations of motion of rigid bodies," D.Sc. thesis (1960) (In Hebrew)
Abstract in English Abstract in Hebrew
Bousso, D., (1933-1971) "The viscosity of air at high rates of shear," M.Sc. thesis (1960) (In Hebrew) Abstract in English
Abstract in Hebrew
Bousso, D., (1933-1971) "A stability criterion for rotating shafts," D.Sc. thesis (1963) (In Hebrew) Abstract in English
Abstract in Hebrew
Bousso, D., (1933-1971) "A new mechanical squarer," (1964)
MacDonald, G.J.F., "Origin of the moon: dynamical considerations," (1965) Paragraphs
Porat, I. (1934-2012), "Regulation of rotational velocity," D.Sc. thesis (1966) (In Hebrew) Synopsis in English Synopsis & conclusions in Hebrew
Bousso, D., (1933-1971) "A six degree of freedom experimental limb for thalidomide children," (1969) Abstract & review
Klajn, M., (1937-2009) M.Sc. thesis (1969) (In Hebrew) Abstract in Hebrew
Porat, I. (1934-2012), "Optimal damping of a flexibly-mounted rotor," (1969) Abstract in English
Bousso, D., (1933-1971), Ben-Amots, N.,
"A new method for obtaining large centrifugal accelerations," (1969) (In Hebrew) Abstract in English Abstract in Hebrew Fulltext
Ben-Amots, N., "The dynamical behavior of a rotor on a belt suspension drive," M.Sc. thesis (1969) (In Hebrew)
Abstract in English
Abstract in Hebrew
Livny, Avinoam, "Developement of a cosmetic hand prosthesis actuated by compressed air,"
M.Sc. thesis (1969)
Abstract in English Abstract in Hebrew
Bousso, D., (1933-1971), Shohet, U., "Stability equations for a linear inflatable pouch actuator," (1970) Abstract
Klajn, M., (1937-2009) "An approximate solution for the motion of a spinning projectile with a non linear Magnus moment," (1970) Abstract
Shenhar (Shitenberg) J., "Gyroscope with elastic bearings," M.Sc. thesis (1971) (In Hebrew) Abstract in Hebrew
Kornecki, Aleksander (1920-1985), "An application of
Galerkin's method to non-self-adjoint equation," (1971) Abstract
Ollendorf, F. (1900-1981), "Brown motion in human life," (1971) (Fulltext in Hebrew)
Page 1 Page 2
Bousso, D., (1933-1971), Ishai, G., "A study of myoelectric signals for arm prosthesis control," (1971) Abstract
Porat, I. (1934-2012), Niv, M., "Vibration of a rotating shaft by the "Timoshenko beam" Theory," (1971) Abstract in English
Bousso, D., (1933-1971) "A stability criterion for rotating shafts," (1972) Abstract & reviews
Bousso, D., (1933-1971), Ben-Amots, N., "A simple means for attaining high centrifugal acceleration," (1972) Abstract
Ben-Amots, N., "The motion of a high-speed rotor under the
influence of a moment perpendicular to the axes of precession and
nutation," D.Sc. thesis (1976) (In Hebrew) Abstract & review in English
Abstract in Hebrew
Ben-Amots, N., "Approximate analytical solution for high-speed
spin-axisymmetric rotor, using coordinate system linked
to precession and nutation," (1976) Abstract & review
Porat, I. (1934-2012), "Axisymmetrical auxillary mass nutation-damper," (1979) Abstract in English
Porat, I. (1934-2012), "Moments transmission by a universal joint," (1980) Abstract in English
Porat, I. (1934-2012), "Contribution to numerical computation of lateral vibration of beams," (1981) Abstract in English
Cohen, R., "Effect of the coupling between flexural and torsional vibrations on
rotors driven by a flexible shafts," D.Sc. thesis (1982) (In Hebrew)
Abstract in English Abstract in Hebrew
Cohen, R., Porat, I. (1934-2012), "Load torque effects on the critical speeds of a continuous rotor,"
(1984) Abstract in English
Cohen, R., Porat, I. (1934-2012), "Coupled torsional and transverse vibration of unbalanced rotor,"
(1985) Abstract in English
Lottati, I., Kornecki, Aleksander (1920-1985), "The effect of an
elastic foundation and of dissipative forces on the stability of fluid-conveying pipes," (1986)
Viderman, Z., Porat, I. (1934-2012), "An optimal control method for passage of a flexible rotor through resonances,"
(1987) Abstract in English
Berger, M., Porat, I. (1934-2012), "Optimal design of a rotating disk for kinetic energy storage,"
(1988) Abstract in English
Loewenthal, Dan (1943-2000),
"Method and system for removing the effect of the source wavelet from seismic data," (1988)
Patent USA No. 4,752,916 - abstract
Berger, M., Porat, I. (1934-2012), "On non-smooth beam shapes for maximal transverse natural frequencies,"
(1989) Abstract in English
Bar-Avi, P., Porat, I. (1934-2012),
Rosenberg, J., Netzer, E., "Frequency response of a new two axis rate gyro,"
(1991) Abstract in English
Netzer, E., Porat, I. (1934-2012), "A novel vibratory device for angular rate measurement," (1995) Abstract in English
Liu, Chen, "Speech enhancement for hearing in the "Cocktail party" environment," D.Sc. thesis (1995)
Abstract in English Abstract in Hebrew
Ben-Amots, N., "Almost hacker," (1998) Hebrew only full text
Ben-Amots, N., "Simulation by computer," (1998) Hebrew only full text
Ben-Amots, N., "The computer helps refining towers," (1998) Hebrew only full text
Ben-Amots, N., "Unused computer," (1998) Hebrew only full text
Ben-Amots, N., "Real time," (1998) Hebrew only full text
Ben-Amots, N., "In bio-medical engineering," (1998) Hebrew only full text
Ben-Amots, N., "Programmer," (1998) Hebrew only full text
Loewenthal, D. (1943-2000), Buchen, P., Kagansky, A., Koren, I.,
"Zero moveout (ZMO) stacking," (1999) Abstract
Loewenthal, D. (1943-2000), Robinson, E.A., "On unified dual fields theory and Einstein's
deconvolution," (2000) Abstract
Loewenthal, D. (1943-2000), Robinson, E.A, "Relativistic combination of any number of collinear
velocities and generalization of Einstein's formula," (2000) Abstract
Ben-Amots, N., "Ex-expert," (2000) Hebrew only full text
Ben-Amots, N., "Wind tunnels," (2001) Hebrew only full text
Segev, B., (1963-2005), Wells, J.C., "A Light-Fronts Approach to a Two-Center Time-Dependent Dirac Equation," (2001) Abstract
Segev, B., CV. Her CV
Marom, N., "In his memory," (2002) (In Hebrew) Obituary
Ben-Amots, N., "Basic aspect of relativistic rotation: Franklin rotation of a sphere," (2003) Abstract (B&W) Abstract (color)
Band, Y., "Prof. Bilha Segev 1963-2005" Obituary
Ben-Amots, N., "Detection of rotation by a local elevator-like gedanken experiment," (2005) Abstract (B&W) Abstract (color)
Ben-Amots, N., "Waking up paralyzed," (2006) Full text (English) Full text (Hebrew)
Ben-Amots, N., "Left side at right," (2007) Full text (English) Full text (Hebrew)
Ben-Amots, N., Anbar, M. (1927-2014) "Sonochemistry on primordial Earth – Its potential role in prebiotic molecular evolution," (2007)
Abstract (B&W) Abstract (color)
Ben-Amots, N., "Relativistic exponential gravitation and exponential potential of electric charge," (2007) Abstract & review (B&W)
Abstract & review (color)
Yih, Chia-Shun, "Tornado-like flows," (2007) Abstract
Ben-Amots, N., "Shortest dictionary," (2007) Full text
Ben-Amots, N., "My parents," (2008) Hebrew only full text
Ben-Amots, N., "A new line element derived from the variable rest mass in gravitational field,"
(2008) Abstract (B&W) Abstract(color)
fulltext fulltext
Ben-Amots, N., "Teaching," (2008) Hebrew only full text
Ben-Amots, N., "Pipes," (2008) Hebrew only full text
Ben-Amots, N., "On whales - animals have soul too," (2009) Hebrew full text English full text
Ben-Amots, N., "On animals' language - King Solomon's ring," (2009) Hebrew full text
English full text
Ben-Amots, N., "Relativistic radial expansion: Do we need Dark Energy?"
(2011) Abstract
Ben-Amots, N., "Some features and implications of exponential gravitation,"
(2011) Abstract
Ben-Amots, N., "On the role of relativistic electrons in the
imploding stage of supernovas," (2014) Summary of lecture
Summary of lecture (color)
Ben-Amots, N., "Dynamics and thermodynamics of tornado: rotation effects" (2018)
English abstract
Hebrew abstract
Ben-Amots, N., Some publications on dynamics, List
Popper, J.B. (1927-2012), "Equations of motion of rigid bodies," D.Sc. thesis (1960) (In Hebrew)
Abstract in English Abstract in Hebrew
Bousso, D., (1933-1971) "The viscosity of air at high rates of shear," M.Sc. thesis (1960) (In Hebrew) Abstract in English
Abstract in Hebrew
Bousso, D., (1933-1971) "A stability criterion for rotating shafts," D.Sc. thesis (1963) (In Hebrew) Abstract in English
Abstract in Hebrew
Porat, I. (1934-2012), "Regulation of rotational velocity," D.Sc. thesis (1966) (In Hebrew) Synopsis in English Synopsis & conclusions in Hebrew
Bousso, D., (1933-1971), Ben-Amots, N.,
"A new method for obtaining large centrifugal accelerations," (1969) (In Hebrew) Abstract in English Abstract in Hebrew Fulltext
Ben-Amots, N., "The dynamical behavior of a rotor on a belt suspension drive," M.Sc. thesis (1969) (In Hebrew)
Abstract in English
Abstract in Hebrew
Klajn, M., (1937-2009) M.Sc. thesis (1969) (In Hebrew) Abstract in Hebrew
Livny, Avinoam, "Developement of a cosmetic hand prosthesis actuated by compressed air,"
M.Sc. thesis (1969)
Abstract in English Abstract in Hebrew
Shenhar (Shitenberg) J., "Gyroscope with elastic bearings," M.Sc. thesis (1971) (In Hebrew) Abstract in Hebrew
Ollendorf, F. (1900-1981), "Brown motion in human life," (1971) (Fulltext in Hebrew)
Page 1 Page 2
Ben-Amots, N., "The motion of a high-speed rotor under the
influence of a moment perpendicular to the axes of precession and
nutation," D.Sc. thesis (1976) (In Hebrew) Abstract & review in English
Abstract in Hebrew
Cohen, R., "Effect of the coupling between flexural and torsional vibrations on
rotors driven by a flexible shafts," D.Sc. thesis (1982) (In Hebrew)
Abstract in English Abstract in Hebrew
Liu, Chen, "Speech enhancement for hearing in the "Cocktail party" environment," D.Sc. thesis (1995)
Abstract in English Abstract in Hebrew
Ben-Amots, N., "Almost hacker," (1998) Hebrew only full text
Ben-Amots, N., "Simulation by computer," (1998) Hebrew only full text
Ben-Amots, N., "The computer helps refining towers," (1998) Hebrew only full text
Ben-Amots, N., "Unused computer," (1998) Hebrew only full text
Ben-Amots, N., "Real time," (1998) Hebrew only full text
Ben-Amots, N., "In bio-medical engineering," (1998) Hebrew only full text
Ben-Amots, N., "Programmer," (1998) Hebrew only full text
Ben-Amots, N., "Ex-expert," (2000) Hebrew only full text
Ben-Amots, N., "Wind tunnels," (2001) Hebrew only full text
Marom, N., "In his memory," (2002) (In Hebrew) Obituary
Ben-Amots, N., "Waking up paralyzed," (2006) Full text (English) Full text (Hebrew)
Ben-Amots, N., "Left side at right," (2007) Full text (English) Full text (Hebrew)
Ben-Amots, N., "My parents," (2008) Hebrew only full text
Ben-Amots, N., "Teaching," (2008) Hebrew only full text
Ben-Amots, N., "Pipes," (2008) Hebrew only full text
Ben-Amots, N., "On whales - animals have soul too," (2009) Hebrew full text
Ben-Amots, N., "On animals' language - King Solomon's ring," (2009) Hebrew full text
Ben-Amots, N., "Dino Bousso (1933-1971): Biography" (2017)
Hebrew full text
All other files in this catalog are in English.
Anbar, M. (1927-2014) Ben-Amots, N. "Sonochemistry on primordial Earth – Its potential role in prebiotic molecular evolution," (2007)
Abstract (B&W) Abstract (color)
Ben-Amots, N., "Basic aspect of relativistic rotation: Franklin rotation of a sphere," (2003) Abstract (B&W) Abstract (color)
Ben-Amots, N., "Detection of rotation by a local elevator-like gedanken experiment," (2005) Abstract (B&W) Abstract (color)
Ben-Amots, N., "Relativistic exponential gravitation and exponential potential of electric charge," (2007) Abstract & review (B&W)
Abstract & review (color)
Ben-Amots, N., "A new line element derived from the variable rest mass in gravitational field,"
(2008) Abstract (B&W) Abstract(color)
fulltext fulltext
Ben-Amots, N., "On the role of relativistic electrons in the
imploding stage of supernovas," (2014) Summary of lecture (color)
Ben-Amots, N., "Shortest dictionary," Full text
Ben-Amots, N., Anbar, M. (1927-2014) "Sonochemistry on primordial Earth – Its potential role in prebiotic molecular evolution," (2007)
Abstract (B&W) Abstract (color)
Segev, B., CV. Her CV
This catalog. This catalog in Black&White
All other files in this catalog are in black & white.
Bousso, D., (1933-1971) "The viscosity of air at high rates of shear," (1959) Abstract in English
Popper, J.B. (1927-2012), "Equations of motion of rigid bodies," D.Sc. thesis (1960) (In Hebrew)
Abstract in English Abstract in Hebrew
Bousso, D., (1933-1971) "The viscosity of air at high rates of shear," M.Sc. thesis (1960) (In Hebrew) Abstract in English
Abstract in Hebrew
Bousso, D., (1933-1971) "A stability criterion for rotating shafts," D.Sc. thesis (1963) (In Hebrew) Abstract in English
Abstract in Hebrew
Bousso, D., (1933-1971) "A new mechanical squarer," (1964)
Porat, I. (1934-2012), "Regulation of rotational velocity," D.Sc. thesis (1966) (In Hebrew) Synopsis in English Synopsis & conclusions in Hebrew
Bousso, D., (1933-1971), Ben-Amots, N.,
"A new method for obtaining large centrifugal accelerations," (1969) (In Hebrew) Abstract in English Abstract in Hebrew Fulltext
Ben-Amots, N., "The dynamical behavior of a rotor on a belt suspension drive," M.Sc. thesis (1969) (In Hebrew)
Abstract in English
Abstract in Hebrew
Klajn, M., (1937-2009) M.Sc. thesis (1969) (In Hebrew) Abstract in Hebrew
Livny, Avinoam, "Developement of a cosmetic hand prosthesis actuated by compressed air,"
M.Sc. thesis (1969)
Abstract in English Abstract in Hebrew
Bousso, D., (1933-1971), Shohet, U., "Stability equations for a linear inflatable pouch actuator," (1970) Abstract
Shenhar (Shitenberg) J., "Gyroscope with elastic bearings," M.Sc. thesis (1971) (In Hebrew) Abstract in Hebrew
Kornecki, Aleksander (1920-1985), "An application of
Galerkin's method to non-self-adjoint equation," (1971) Abstract
Ollendorf, F. (1900-1981), "Brown motion in human life," (1971) (Fulltext in Hebrew)
Page 1 Page 2
Bousso, D., (1933-1971) "A stability criterion for rotating shafts," (1972) Abstract & reviews
Ben-Amots, N., "The motion of a high-speed rotor under the
influence of a moment perpendicular to the axes of precession and
nutation," D.Sc. thesis (1976) (In Hebrew) Abstract & review in English
Abstract in Hebrew
Porat, I. (1934-2012), "Axisymmetrical auxillary mass nutation-damper," (1979) Abstract in English
Cohen, R., "Effect of the coupling between flexural and torsional vibrations on
rotors driven by a flexible shafts," D.Sc. thesis (1982) (In Hebrew)
Abstract in English Abstract in Hebrew
Liu, Chen, "Speech enhancement for hearing in the "Cocktail party" environment," D.Sc. thesis (1995)
Abstract in English Abstract in Hebrew
Ben-Amots, N., "Almost hacker," (1998) Hebrew only full text
Ben-Amots, N., "Simulation by computer," (1998) Hebrew only full text
Ben-Amots, N., "The computer helps refining towers," (1998) Hebrew only full text
Ben-Amots, N., "Unused computer," (1998) Hebrew only full text
Ben-Amots, N., "Real time," (1998) Hebrew only full text
Ben-Amots, N., "In bio-medical engineering," (1998) Hebrew only full text
Ben-Amots, N., "Programmer," (1998) Hebrew only full text
Ben-Amots, N., "Ex-expert," (2000) Hebrew only full text
Ben-Amots, N., "Wind tunnels," (2001) Hebrew only full text
Segev, B., CV. Her CV
Ben-Amots, N., "Waking up paralyzed," (2006) Full text (English) Full text (Hebrew)
Ben-Amots, N., "Left side at right," (2007) Full text (English) Full text (Hebrew)
Ben-Amots, N., "Shortest dictionary," (2007) Full text
Ben-Amots, N., "My parents," (2008) Hebrew only full text
Ben-Amots, N., "Teaching," (2008) Hebrew only full text
Ben-Amots, N., "Pipes," (2008) Hebrew only full text
Ben-Amots, N., "On whales - animals have soul too," (2009) Hebrew full text English full text
Ben-Amots, N., "On animals' language - King Solomon's ring," (2009) Hebrew full text English full text
Ben-Amots, N., "Dino Bousso (1933-1971): Biography" (2017)
English full text
Hebrew full text
Ben-Amots, N., Some publications on dynamics, List
This catalog : in color, and in black&White
All other files in this catalog exist elsewhere in internet.
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