This page includes links to
supplementary pages on IARD
This is NOT IARD official internet site, NOR IARD mirror site.
The URL address of IARD internet site is:
M O R E I A R D information
At the bottom of this page please find a
table with links to IARD conference pages
IARD is an International Association of scientists in the field of Relativistic Dynamics.
The activity includes biennial conferences with contributed lectures related to the subjects,
as well as publication of many of the lectures in proceedings.
The goal of these meetings is to bring together researchers from diverse fields whose
interests involve relativistic dynamics, both classical and quantum. The conference program
aims to present recent developments in the abstract theoretical aspects of general approaches
in quantum field theory, conformal field theories, manifestly covariant approaches to
classical mechanics, quantum theory, and statistical mechanics, general relativity, classical
and quantum gravity, and explore application in such areas as high energy electron
spectroscopy, quark-gluon plasma generation in heavy ion collisions, general high energy
scattering and particle decay, cosmology, and gravitational waves.
The IARD official internet site can be found at:
in which one can find information on conferences (starting at IARD2000), lectures, links to proceedings, lists of some books and papers published by IARD members, posters, official and updated information and more.
Separately supplementary pages on IARD find at:
that includes more information on most of IARD conferences (starting at IARD1998), and on IARD
deceased members, and on more books published by IARD members, and somewhat more photographs.
At the left and bottom of this page please find two tables of links to many of the internet pages.
You may find here some supplementary information:
Supplementary list of books
published by IARD members The supplementary books page includes more
books than in the
IARD official books page
In memory of IARD members and lecturers
who are not among us anymore
(Bilha Segev, Bryce DeWitt, Woodford Zachary, Constantin Piron, Jacob Bekenstein,
David Finkelstein, Fred Cooperstock, Cecile DeWitt-Morette, Carl William Schieve and Amos Harpaz (1928-6.2018)).
"He was a bright star in our galaxy"
said Larry Horwitz about
Amos Harpaz (1928-6.2018)

Three of the participants in
in an alley at Saas-Fee, Switzerland
Middle: Constantin Piron (1932-2012)
IARD women lecturers

A few participants in
in the University of Connecticut at Storrs, U.S.A.
Left: Long live Cynthia K. Whitney
Standing, middle: Woodford W. Zachary (1935-2011)
Some other photographs:
Early Morning at
Conference center, Switzerland
The three photographs above by Netsivi Ben-Amots