Bilha Segev (7.5.1963-17.3.2005)

January, 2002


Name: Bilha Segev
Date and Place of Birth: May 7, 1963, Haifa, Israel
(Former) address: Department of Chemistry, Ben Gurion University of the Negev
P.O.Box 653, Beer Sheva, Israel 84105
Family Status: Married (two children)
Citizenship: Israeli


B.Sc. 1985 - 1988 Technion, Israel Institute of Technology Physics
Suma cum Laude.
M.Sc. 1991 - 1992 Technion, Israel Institute of Technology Physics
Advisor: Prof. Moshe Moshe
"Approximation Methods in Quantum Field Theories"
D.Sc. 1992 - 1996 Technion, Israel Institute of Technology Physics
Advisor: Prof. Michael Marinov
"Classically Forbidden Processes in Quantum Theory"


1990 - 1996 Adjunct Teacher, Physics Department, Technion
1996 - 1998 Post-doctoral researcher, ITAMP Harvard, USA
1998 - 2001Lecturer, Ben Gurion University of the Negev
Since 2001 Senior Lecturer, Ben Gurion University of the Negev


1996-1997 Rothchild Postdoctoral Fellowship
1996-1998 Fulbright Postdoctoral Fellowship
1997-1998 A Postdoctoral Fellowship from the Institute for Theoretical Atomic & Molecular Physics Harvard- Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics.
1999 - 2001 Alon Fellowship
2002 Toronto Prize for excellency in research


1990-1996 Adjunct Teacher, Physics Department, Technion (Elementary Laboratory in Mechanics, Electricity, Magnetism and Waves, Analytical Mathematical Methods for Physics, Group Theory for Physics).

Since 1998 Lecturer, Chemistry Department, Ben Gurion University of the Negev (Introduction to Spectroscopy, Quantum Mechanics of Atoms and molecules, Quantum Chemistry I and II). Senior lecturer since 2001.


Invited papers, chapters in collective volumes, and conference proceedings

M.S. Marinov and B. Segev. "Causality and time dependence in quantum tunneling", Found. of Phys., 27, 113-132 (1997).

B. Segev, "Time for tunneling; Causality and wave packets", in Proceedings of the Adriatico Research  Conference  "Tunneling and its implications", Trieste, 1996, Edited: D. Mugnai et al. (World Scientific, Singapore, 1997).

J.C. Wells and B. Segev, "Pair production from heavy-ion collisions in the extreme relativistic limit", in Proceedings of the Twentieth International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions (ICPEAC), Vienna, Austria, July, 23-29, 1997, Eds. H.P. Winter and F. Aumayr (World Scientific, Singapore, 1998) p. 487.

 J.C. Wells and B. Segev, "Light-front approach to electron-positron pair production in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions", in Proceedings on Advanced ICFA Beam Dynamics Workshop on Quantum Aspects of Beam Physics, Monterey California January, 1998, Ed. Pisin Chen (World Scientific, Singapore, 1999) p. 464.

Bilha Segev and R. Côté, “Probing the QED atom-dielectric potential with ultracold atoms”, Comments on Atomic and Molecular Physics, Comments on Modern Physics, 1, Part D, 319-328 (2000).

B. Segev, “Quantum and QED effects on Reflection from an Atomic Mirror”, Lecture Notes in Physics 561, 126-135 (2001). (refereed)

Bilha Segev, “Tunneling in the Wigner Representation”, in "Extensions of Quantum Theory", Eds. A. Horzela and EK, (Apeiron, Montreal, 2001) p. 83.

Bilha Segev and J.C. Wells, “A light-fronts approach to a two-center time-dependent Dirac Equation”, Foundations of Physics 31, 993-1015 (2001). (Proceedings, Part 1, IARD2000).[Abstract]

Bilha Segev, E.J. Heller, Y. Japha, S. Kallush, and A. Sergeev, "A phase-space approach to atomic collisions in multidimensional complex systems", in ed. C R Vane, Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions (XXII ICPEAC) Proceedings, (Rinton Press, Paramus, 2002).

Bilha Segev, "Evolution kernels for phase-space distributions" in Multiple facets of quantization and supersymmetry, Eds. M. Olshanetsky and A.Vainshtein, (World Scientific, in press).

Bilha Segev, "Quantum Algorithms", in Eds. E Donkor, M J Hayduk, A R Pirich, and E W Taylor Photonic and Quantum Computing Technologies for Aerospace Applications IV , SPIE's Proceedings 4732.

Refereed articles in scientific journals

1) B. Segev, "Symmetry and combinatorics in the d expansion for QED", Phys. Rev., D45, 3713-3733 (1992).

2) M.S. Marinov and B. Segev, "Analytical properies of scattering amplitudes in one-dimensional quantum theory", Journ.of  Phys.A, Mathematical and General, 29, 2839-2851 (1996).

3) M.S. Marinov and B. Segev, "Quantum tunneling in the Wigner representation", Phys. Rev., A54, 4752-4762 (1996).

4) M.S. Marinov and B. Segev, "Barrier penetration by wave packets and the tunneling time", Phys. Rev., A55, 3580-3585 (1997).

5) B. Segev, R. Côté and M.G. Raizen,"Quantum reflection from an atomic mirror", Rapid Communications. Phys. Rev., A56, R3350-R3353 (1997).

6) B. Segev and J.C. Wells, "Light-front approach to electron-positron pair production in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions", Phy. Rev., A57, 1849-1861 (1998).

7) R. Côté, B. Segev and M.G. Raizen, "Retardation effects on quantum reflection from an evanescent-wave atomic mirror", Phys. Rev., A58, 3999-4013 (1998).

8) J.C. Wells, B. Segev and J. Eichler, "Asymptotic channels and gauge transformations of the time-dependence Dirac equation for extremely relativistic heavy-ion collisions", Phys. Rev., A59, 346-357 (1999).

9) B. Segev and J.C. Wells, "Exact Z2 scaling of pair production in the high-energy limit of heavy-ion collisions", Phys. Rev., C59, 2753-2756 (1999).

10) B. Segev and E.J. Heller, “Phase-space derivation of propensity rules for energy transfer processes between Born-Oppenheimer surfaces”, Journal of Chemical Physics, 112, 4004-4013 (2000).

11) B. Segev, P.W. Milonni, J.F. Babb and R.Y. Chiao, “Quantum Noise and Superluminal Propagation”, Phys. Rev., A62, 022114 (2000).

12) B. Segev, “Causality and propagation in the Wigner, Husimi, Glauber, and Kirkwood phase-space representations”, Phys. Rev., A63, 052114 (2001).

13) B. Segev and Y.B. Band, “Electron Magnetic Resonance: The Modified Bloch Equation”, Jour. of Phys. B: Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics, 35 No 4 (28 February 2002) 1085-1094.

14) E. Rosenthal and B. Segev, “Electromagnetic barrier penetration in a dispersive medium: Tunneling times and dispersion relations” , Phys. Rev., A65, 032110 (2002).

15) A. V. Sergeev and B. Segev, "Most probable path in phase space for a radiationless transition in a polyatomic molecule", Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, 35 No 7 (22 February 2002) 1769-1789.

16) S. Kallush, B. Segev, A.V. Sergeev, and E.J. Heller "Surface Jumping: Franck Condon factors and Condon points in phase space" J. Phys. Chem. A, 106 (25), 6006 -6016, (2002).

17) Japha,Y. and Segev Bilha, "Semiclassical theory of field-induced thermal transition rate with application to output coupling of a Bose-Einstein gas at finite temperature", Phys. Rev. A65, 063411 (2002).

18) E.J. Heller, Bilha Segev, and A V Sergeev, "Hopping and jumping between potential energy surfaces", J. Phys. Chem. B, 106 (33), 8471 -8478, (2002).

19) Kelly J. Higgins, William Klemperer, Bilha Segev and Eric J. Heller, "A Perturbative Approach to Vibrational Predissociation Rates: Application to ArHF Emmanuel Tannenbaum," J. Phys. Chem. B, 106 (33), 8100 -8107, (2002).

20) Bilha Segev and A V Sergeev, "Dominant channels of vibronic transitions in molecules with several identical modes", Chem. Phys. Lett. (in press).

21) E. Rosenthal and B. Segev, "Dispersion relations between tunneling times", Phys. Rev. A. (in press).


D. Vager, B. Segev (deceased) and Y.B. Band, "Engineering entanglement: The fast-approach phase gate", Phys. Rev. A., v. 72, 0022325 (2005).
Published 18 August 2005, after her death.


Invited lectures at conferences and meetings

B. Segev. "Time for tunneling; Causality and wave packets", at the Adriatico Research Conference on Tunneling and its implications, Trieste, 1996.

B. Segev and R. Côté. "Probing the QED atom-dielectric potential with ultracold atoms", in the Casimir Forces Topical Group Workshop, ITAMP, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, March 16-27, 1998.

B. Segev, ``Towards a phase-space representation of the scattering S-matrix," at the One Day Symposium on Semiclassical Mechanics, Weizmann, November 26, 1998.

B. Segev, R. Côté, and M.G. Raizen, "Reflection from an evanescent-wave atomic mirror", at the 64th Meeting of the Israel Chemical Society, March 16-17, 1999, Bar Ilan University.

B. Segev and J.C. Wells. The high-energy limit of Pair Production in heavy-ion collisions, at the 65th Meeting of the Israel Physical Society, Tel Aviv University, March 18, 1999.

B. Segev, "The Casimir-Polder Effect and the Evanescent-Wave Atomic Mirror",
TAMU-ONR Workshop on Quantum Optics, Jackson, Wyoming, July 26-30, 1999.

B. Segev, "Tunneling in the Wigner Representation" in The first Cracow Clausthal Workshop on "Tunnelling Effect and Other Fundamental Problems of Quantum Physics", 22 - 28 November 1999, Cracow.

B. Segev, “Phase-space propagators: tunneling and interference” at the international workshop on "Quantum dynamics in terms of phase-space distributions", May 22 to 26, 2000, Dresden.

B. Segev, “Non-classical energy transfer processes: a phase space analysis of surface jumping” at “Molec2000, the 13-th European conference on Dynamics of Molecular Collisions”, 17-22 September 2000, Jerusalem.

B. Segev, “Quantum jumping between Born-Oppenheimer surfaces: Franck-Condon factors and Condon points in phase-space”, at the 66th Meeting of the Israeli Chemical Society, February 5-6, 2001, Tel Aviv.

Bilha Segev, E.J. Heller, Y. Japha, S. Kallush, and A. Sergeev, “A phase-space approach to atomic collisions in multidimensional complex systems”, at the XXII ICPEAC (International Conference on Photonic, Electronic, and Atomic Collisions), Santa Fe, New Mexico U.S.A., July 18-24, 2001. (A contributed abstract selected as a Special Report to be presented orally as a part of the Invited Program).

B. Segev, "Quantum Algorithms", at the SPIE's 16th Annual International Symposium on Aerospace/Defense Sensing, Simulation, and Controls, 1-5 April, 2002, Orlando, Florida USA.

B. Segev, "Fermi Golden Rule in the Wigner representation", at the One Day Symposium on Semiclassical Mechanics, Weizmann, May 23, 2002.

B. Segev, "Fermi Golden Rule in the Wigner representation" at the Wigner Centennial Conference, Pecs, Hungary, 8-12 July, 2002.

B. Segev, "Quantum dynamics of cold atoms in external potentials" at the Israel TheoChem 2002 national meeting in Theoretical Chemistry, Jerusalem, October 9 - 10, 2002.

Posters and contributed papers at conferences and meetings

M.S. Marinov and B. Segev. "Phase-space propagators for barrier penetration", a poster at the Israel Physical Society 1994, Annual Meeting.

M.S. Marinov and B. Segev. "The tunneling time of wave packets", a poster at the Israel Physical Society 1996, Annual Meeting.

B. Segev. "Velocities of signal transport, dispersion, and time parameters of tunneling", a talk at the American Physical Society Meeting, April 1997.

B. Segev and J.C. Wells. "Pair correlation through exchange symmetry in multiple electron-position production", a poster presented at the American Physical Society Meeting, April 1997.

B. Segev, R. Côté and M.G. Raizen. "Retardation effects on quantum reflection from an atomic mirror", a poster presented at the DAMOP (Division of Atomic Molecular and Optic Physics) Meeting, Santa Fe, New Mexico, May 27-30, 1998.

B. Segev and J.C. Wells. "Pair production in heavy-ion collisions: A high-energy limit", a poster presented at the DAMOP (Division of Atomic Molecular and Optic Physics) Meeting, Santa Fe, New Mexico, May 27-30, 1998.

R. Côté, B. Segev and M.G. Raizen. "Evanescent-wave atomic mirror: Quantum reflection and retardation effects", a poster presented at the Sixteenth International Conference on Atomic Physics, ICAP XVI, University of Windsor, Canada August 3-7, 1998.

J. C. Wells, B. Segev, and J. Eichler, "Phase Transformations, Asymptotic Channels, and a Short - Range Representation for the Time-Dependent Dirac Equation for Extremely Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions", a poster presented at the Sixteenth International Conference on Atomic Physics, ICAP XVI, University of Windsor, Canada August 3-7, 1998.

B. Segev, R. Côté, and M.G. Raizen, "Reflection from an evanescent-wave atomic mirror", a poster presented at the Winter-school and Workshop on "Resonance Phenomena in Chemical Physics", 14-19 February 1999, Technion, Haifa.

E.J. Heller and B. Segev, "Franck-Condon Tunneling: Whereís the phase space leak? ", a poster presented at the American Conference on Theoretical Chemistry, Boulder, colorado, June 27-July 2, 1999.

Bilha Segev and J.C. Wells, “A light-fronts approach to a two-center time-dependent Dirac Equation”, a contributed talk at the “Conference on Relativistic Dynamics IARD2000”, Bar-Ilan, June 2000. [Abstract]  

S. Kallush, B. Segev, A. Sergeev and E.J. Heller, “Phase Space Approach for S2 -> S0 internal conversion in the benzene molecule”, a poster at “Molec2000, the 13-th European conference on Dynamics of Molecular Collisions”, 17-22 September 2000, Jerusalem.

Alexey V. Sergeev and Bilha Segev, “Propensity rules for surface jumping between multidimensional oscillators: mathematical aspects” a poster at “Molec2000, the 13-th European conference on Dynamics of Molecular Collisions”, 17-22 September 2000, Jerusalem.

Yonathan Japha and Bilha Segev , “Field induced transition rate from a thermal state: phase-space method with application to output coupling of a finite temperature Bose gas”, a poster at “Molec2000, the 13-th European conference on Dynamics of Molecular Collisions”, 17-22 September 2000, Jerusalem.

B. Segev, “Quantum jumping between Born-Oppenheimer surfaces: Franck-Condon factors and Condon points in phase-space”, a poster at the 7th Gentner Symposyum on “Quantum Chaos”, Ein Gedi, Dead Sea, Israel, February 24-March 2, 2001.

B. Segev, “Causality and propagation in phase space”, a contributed talk at the Seventh International Wigner Symposium, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, U.S.A., August 24 – 29, 2001.

B. Segev and Y. Japha, "Semiclassical theory of field-induced thermal transition rate", a poster at the workshop "Quantum Dynamical Concepts: From Diatomics to Biomolecules'' April 14-19, 2002, Dresden.

Bilha Segev, Alexey V. Sergeev, and E.J. Heller, "A new method for estimating multidimensional anharmonic Franck-Condon Factors" a poster at the XIX IUPAC (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry ) Symposium on Photochemistry, 14-19 July 2002 Budapest, Hungary.

Advisory Board member in international conferences:

* Wigner Centennial Conference, Pecs, Hungary, 8-12 July, 2002.

*SPIE conference "Quantum Information and Computation", 2003.

Seminars at universities and institutions

1996 Physics department, Harvard University
1996 Atomic and Molecular Physics Division Harvard-Smithsonian Center for  Astrophysics
1997 Physics department, University of Texas at Austin
1997 A.M.O. (atomic, molecular and optics) seminar at M.I.T.
1997 Physics Department of Oak Ridge National Laboratory
1997 Atomic and Molecular Physics Division of the Harvard-Smithsionian  Center for Astrophysics
1997 Institut fuer Theoetische Physik JWG Universitaet Frankfurt/Main
1997 High energy seminar, Technion
1997 Physics, Weizmann Institute
1997 Chemistry, Ben Gurion University of the Negev
1997 Physics Colloquium, Technion
1997 Physics Colloquium, Tel Aviv University
1997 Physics Seminar, Bar Ilan University
1997 Physics Colloquium, Hebrew University
1997 Nuclear Physics Seminar, Tel Aviv University
1997 Nuclear Physics Seminar, Hebrew University
1998 Cold Atom Topical Group Seminar, ITAMP, Harvard-Smithsonian Center  for Astrophysics
1999 Nuclear Physics Seminar, Tel-Aviv University
1999 Laser Physics seminar, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
1999 Chemistry, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
1999 Friyz Haber Center, Hebrew University
1999 Atomic and Molecular Physics Division Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge USA
2001Mathematical Physics Seminar, Technion
2001 Physics Colloquium, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
2001 Physics Colloquium, Technion
2001 Quantum Information Seminar, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
2001 Atomic and Molecular Physics Division Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge USA
2001 Quantum Information Seminar, University of Connecticut, Storrs, USA
2002 Physical and Analytical Chemistry Seminar, Technion.


1999- 2000 BSF , American Israeli Binational Science Foundation
Dr. Bilha Segev (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev) and Prof. E. J. Heller (Harvard University)
“Nonclassical energy-transfer processes within a single molecule”.

2000-2001 ISF , Israel Science Foundation
“Quantum and QED effects in Atom and Molecular Optics”.

2001- 2003 BSF , American Israeli Binational Science Foundation
Dr. Bilha Segev (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev) and Prof. E. J. Heller (Harvard University)
“Multichannal intramolecular processes: relaxation and fragmentation of polyatomic molecules”.

2001-2002, Israel Ministry of Defence Research and Technology Unit
“Quantum computers”
Yehuda Band and Bilha Segev

2002-2005 ISF , Israel Science Foundation
"The Theory of Driven Systems and its Application in Atom Optics and Mesoscopics".
Doron Cohen and Bilha Segev


Reasearch students (present):

Shimshon Kallush, (PhD), (co-advising with Prof. Yehuda Band).
Sharona Shem-Tov, (MSc).
Noa Zamstein (MSc)
Ranit Gruver (MSc)
Post-Doctorate students (present):

Dr. Alexey Sergeev
Reasearch students (graduated):

Eran Rosenthal, (MSc), (co-advising with Prof. Felshteiner, Technion).
Post-Doctorate students (past):

Dr. Yoni Japha


Main interests in theoretical and mathematical physics and chemistry: quantum mechanics and quantum electrodynamics with emphasize on quantum dynamics.
• Quantum and QED effects in Atomic and Molecular Optics.
• Time dependence in scattering processes
• Formulation of the principle of causality in the quantum regime.
• Tunneling.
• Phase-space dynamics, in particular in the Wigner representation.
• Applications of the above to quantum gates of cold atoms in optical lattices.
• Nonperturbative effects in quantum electrodynamics.
• Electromagnetic pair production in ultrarelativistic heavy ions collisions.
• Radiationless transitions in polyatomic molecules.
• The application of analytical techniques such as complex analysis and distribution theory to physical and chemical systems.

Comment: This page was reconstructed from the original page in her internet site (now deleted). The full texts of her papers once kept there were not reconstructed here, not to infringe copyright of publishers/owners.