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Some international relativity conferences in the years 1997-2006 excluding 2005:
MG9 International Conference in Rome (2000)
Participants: about 1500.
Four participants attended
IARD2000 in Bar-Ilan University
and later also attended in MG9 conference in Rome.
Name of conference: The ninth Marcel Grossmann Meeting on general relativity,
held at La Sapienza University in Rome, Italy (2-8 July 2000).
Proceedings: Book of hundreds abstracts in three large volumes.
Details of proceedings: Gurzadyan, Jantzen, Ruffini: Proceeding of the ninth
Marcel Grossmann meeting on recent developments in theoretical and experimental
general relativity, gravitation and relativistic field theories,
World Scientific (2002), volumes A, B, C.
Some photographs touring Rome
Some unique nature sceneries in Italy:
Etna Volcano on Sicily Island.
Stromboli Volcano in Stromboli Island.
Vezuv volcano near Naples (Napoli).
Italian Alps mountains in North Italy.
Dolomite Mountains in North Italy.
Climbing a volcano or a mountain is dangerous, and should be done with authorized guide.
Lake Garda (Lago Garda) in North Italy.
Lake Majore (Lago Majore) in North Italy.
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Some international relativity conferences in the years 1997-2006 excluding 2005 but including 2009:
MG8 International Conference in the Hebrew University in Jerusalem (1997)
Participants: about 400.
Name of conference:
The 8th Marcel Grossmann meeting on recent
developments in theoretical and experimental general
relativity, gravitation and relativistic field theories, held at
the Hebrew University in
Jerusalem, Israel (22-27.6.1997).
Proceedings: Book of hundreds abstracts in two large volumes.
Details of proceedings: Piran, T., Proceedings of
the 8th Marcel Grossmann meeting on recent
developments in theoretical and experimental general
relativity, gravitation and relativistic field theories,
World Scientific (1999), volumes A, B.
Satellite International conference in Beer-Sheva University (1997)
Participants: about 30.
Name of conference: The International Conference on Modern Modified
Theories of Gravitation and Cosmology, held at Ben-Gurion
University, Beer Sheva,
Israel (29-30.6.1997)
Proceedings: Three issues in "Hadronic Journal."
Details of proceedings: Hadronic Journal, v. 21, No. 1, 2, 3 (February - June 1998) .
Some photographs touring Negev Desert and Eilat, South Israel
Satellite International conference in Technion, Haifa (29.6-3.7.1997)
Participants: about 40.
Subject of conference: Inside black holes
Name of conference: The internal structure of black holes and spacetime singularities, Technion, Haifa, Israel
(29.6-3.7 1997)
A few photographs touring Haifa and North Israel
June 1999, The Inter-Galactic Medium (IGM) and Large-Scale Structure,
Technion, Haifa, Israel (20-25.6 1999)
Participants: about 40.
A few photographs touring Haifa and North Israel
International conference in Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan (2000)
Participants: about 30.
Four participants attended
IARD2000 in Bar-Ilan University
and later also attended in MG9 conference in Rome.
Name of conference: The 2nd Biennial Conference on Classical and Quantum Relativistic Dynamics of Particles and Fields
Proceedings: Four issues in "Foundations of Physics."
Details of proceedings: Foundations of Physics, v. 31, No.
9 (June - September 2001)
International conference in Technion, Haifa (13.6.2006)
Participants: about 40.
Subject of conference: Black holes
A few photographs touring Haifa and North Israel
Stars and Singularities -
The physics of dense cusps
around massive black holes
Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel, December 8-14, 2009
Astrophysics At The Extreme"
In Honor of Professor Tsvi Piran's 60’th Birthday.
December 15-17, 2009, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
"Frontiers in High Energy Astrophysics"
December 27, 2009 - January 5, 2010, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
Cosmological streaming, inflows and outflows"
In Honor of Professor Avishai Dekel's 60’th Birthday.
December 12-15, 2011, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
December 2011, "Cosmic Flows,: Myth, Reality, and Prospects"
Technion, Haifa, Israel (18-21.12.2011)
Some unique nature sceneries in Israel:
Dead Sea Lake (Alias: Yam Hamelah) (Lowest and most salty in the world)
Tiberias Lake (Alias: Yam Kineret) (Second lowest in the world, not salty)
The lakes are accessible by bus, car or organized tours.
Judea Mountains Desert
Negev Mountains Desert
Canyons in Negev Desert
Some photographs touring Negev Desert, South Israel
Warning: Journeys or tours in desert must be under authorized guidance, to avoid dangers in this unique experience.
The Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel (SPNI)
(In Hebrew:
Hahevra Lehaganat Hateva of Israel) (non-profit organization) offers (for a price) organized guided tours in nature in
Hebrew or English.
Early order is a must.
Main orders center: Tel-Aviv. Phone to:
From Tel-Aviv and near cities: 6388688
From rest of Israel: (03)6388688
From other countries: (972)3-6388688
There are companies that offer guided tours (for more expensive price). We do not supply their details.
A few photographs touring Haifa and North Israel
Warning: Journeys or tours in Arbel, Nahal Amud, Golan etc. must be under authorized guidance, to avoid dangers.
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Some international relativity conferences in the years 1997-2006 excluding 2005, at South France:
International 6th Alexander Friedmann Seminar, Cargeze University, Corsica (2004)
Participants: About 62.
Reconstructed scientific program
Reconstructed list of participants
One participant attended
IARD2004 in Saas Fee, Switzerland,
and later also attended in 6th Alexander Friedmann Seminar in Corsica.
Name of Conference:
The Sixth Alexander Friedmann International Seminar on Gravitation and
Cosmology, Cargese, Corsica, France (28.6-3.7 2004).
Proceedings: An issue in "International Journal of Modern Physics A"
Details of proceedings: International Journal of Modern Physics A, v. 20,
No. 11 (30.4.2005)
MG12 International Conference in Paris, France (2009)
Name of conference:
The 12th Marcel Grossmann Meeting
on recent
developments in theoretical and experimental general
relativity, gravitation and relativistic field theories,
held at Paris, France (12-18.7.2009).
Proceedings: Book of hundreds abstracts in a few large volumes.
Details of proceedings:
Thibault Damour, Robert T Jantzen and Remo Ruffini:
Proceedings of
the 12th Marcel Grossmann meeting on recent
developments in theoretical and experimental general
relativity, gravitation and relativistic field theories,
World Scientific (2010).
Some unique nature sceneries in South France:
Grand Canyon du Verdon
Chaos of Montpelier
L'Ardeche River.
Underground rivers. For example: Abim Barambio
Hundreds of unique caves
Some photographs touring South France
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Tornado Tornado mechanism and tornado source of energy - solved
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