דינו בוסו 1971-1933

פרופסור בוסו מת ב-1971 אחרי ניתוח לב פתוח, בגיל הצעיר 38
* הוא השאיר
תרומות חשובות בשטחי המכניקה, דינמיקה,
ובפיתוח גפיים מלאכותיות
הוא גם בנה את
המצאותיו המכניות המענינות
רשימת פירסומיו
- Bousso, E., "The
viscosity of air at high rates of shear,"
Bulletin of the Research Council of Israel,
v. 7C,
No. 3, pp. 136-139 (December 1959) Abstract
and v. 10(3) pp. 109-118 (November 1961)
- Bousso, D., "The
viscosity of air at high rates of shear,"
M.Sc. thesis, Technion, Haifa, Israel
(1960) (In HEBREW). Supervisor: B. Popper.
Summary in English Abstract in Hebrew
- Bousso, D., "A stability
criterion for rotating shafts,"
D.Sc. thesis, Technion, Haifa,
(1963) (In HEBREW). Supervisor: B. Popper.
Synopsis in English
Synopsis in Hebrew
- Bousso, D.,
"Observations on the self-acting air trust bearing effect,"
pp. 483-492 in:
"Proceedings of the International Symposium on Second Order Effects
in Elasticity, Plasticity and Fluid Dynamics,"
Pergamon Press, Macmillan Co., New York (1964)
- Ishai,
Ori, and Bousso, Dino Edwin, "Wire
tensioning device,"
US patent 3151842 (October 6th, 1964)
- Bousso, D., "A new
mechanical squarer," Israel Journal of Technology,
v. 2, No. 3, pp. 281-283 (June 1964) Abstract
- Shelef,
L., and Bousso, D., "A new instrument for measuring relaxation in
flour dough,"
Rheologica Acta, v. 3,
No. 3, pp. 168-172 (July 1964) Citations
- Bousso, D., Ishai, Ori, "A new
technique for measuring stress losses in
short prestressed concrete specimens,"
Journal ASTM, 2 pp. (December 1964)
- Bousso, D., "Rolling
wheel function generators and integrator,"
Machine Design, p. 4 (March 4th, 1965)
- Bousso, D.,
"Dynamics", Students Association of Technion, Haifa, Israel
(A book in HEBREW)
- Bousso, D., "Dynamics -
Exercises and solutions,"
Students Association of Technion, Haifa,
(1965) (A book in HEBREW)
- Bousso, D.,
"Discharge-inlet depth controls flush volume,"
Scanning the field for ideas, Machine Design (April 28th, 1966)
- Bousso, D., "Inflatable
pouches form rotary actuator,"
Scanning the field for ideas, Machine Design (May 25th, 1967)
- Bousso, D.E.,
"Improvements relating to bellows devices,"
GB patent 1193264 (July 7, 1967)
- Bousso, D.E.,
"Zarizeni k premene
tlaku kapaling na uhlovy pohyb a napak," Patent
159732, Czechoslovakia
(7 July 1967)
- Bousso, E.D.,
"Un dispositivo para
convertir la presion
de fluido en movimento
mecanico angular o viceversa,"
"A device for converting fluid pressure into mechanical motion or
vice versa," Spain
patent (7 July 1967)
- Bousso, D.E.,
"Perfectionnements aus
sonfflets," FR patent 1531817 (10 July
- On Bousso: "Invention
wins three international prizes," Technion Magazine, Research, p. 22,
(June-July 1968) Link
- Bousso, D., Shmuely, M., "Internal damping as a primary
source of energy loss in rolling friction," Lectured April 1968,
The 2nd Israel Conference of Mechanical Engineering,
Proceedings: only Hebrew abstract, p. 24 (August 1968)
- Bousso, D., "A new
rotary actuator," Lectured April 1968,
The 2nd Israel Conference of Mechanical Engineering,
Proceedings: only Hebrew abstract, p. 7 (August 1968)
- Bousso, D., "A new limb
for thalidomide children,"
TDM 69-1, Technion - Israel Institute of
Department of Mechanics, Haifa,
(January 1969)
- Bousso, D., Ben-Amots, N.,
"A new method for obtaining
large centrifugal accelerations,"
Lectured 30 June 1969,
The 3rd Israel Conference of Mechanical Engineering,
and the 17th Israel Annual Conference of Tehoretical
and Applied Mechanics,
June 1969, Technion, Haifa, Israel
See pp. 111-129 in
the proceedings (Hebrew with English abstract).
Abstract in English Abstract in Hebrew Fulltext in Hebrew
- Bousso, D., "A six
degree of freedom experimental limb for thalidomide children,"
Bio Medical Engineering, v. 4, No. 7, pp. 313-321 (1969)
Abstract & review
- Bousso, D., and Ishai, Gideon, "Report on the use of myoelectric signals for multiple degree of freedom arm
prosthesis control," TDM 69-7, Technion -
Israel Institute of Technology, Department of Mechanics, Haifa, Israel
(July 1969)
- Bousso, Dino Edwin, "Bellow devices," US patent 3495502 (February
17, 1970)
- Bousso, D., and Shohet, Uri, "Stability equations for a linear
pouch actuator,"
TDM 70-5, Technion - Israel Institute of
Technology, Department of Mechanics,
Haifa, Israel (April 1970)
- Bousso, D., "A double
acting rotary actuator for prosthetic purposes,"
Proceedings of the IVth International
Conference, Interbor, Torino (May 1970)
- Bousso, D.E.,
"Vorrichtung zum Umwandeln von Arbeitsmittel druck in mechanische urngekehrt," German patent DE1601704(A1) (August
13, 1970)
- Bousso, Dino Edwin,
"Bellow devices," Canada patent CA849377 (August
18, 1970)
- Bousso, D., and Shohet, Uri, "Stability equations for a linear
inflatable pouch actuator,"
Israel Journal of Technology, v. 8, No. 4, pp. 357-366 (1970)
- Bousso, D.E.,
"Rotary actuator," GB patent 1339021 (September 14, 1971)
- Bousso, D., and Ishai, Gideon, "A study of myoelectric
signals for arm prosthesis control,"
Bio Medical Engineering, v. 6, No. 11, pp. 509-517 (1971)
- Bousso, D., and Ben-Amots,
Netsivi, "A simple means for attaining high centrifugal
Journal of Physics E: Scientific Instruments, v. 5, pp. 291-295
(1972) Abstract
- Bousso, D., "A stability
criterion for rotating shafts,"
Israel Journal of Technology, v. 10, pp. 409-423 (1972) (In English,
translated from [3] above) Abstract & reviews
- Bousso, D.E.,
"Manipulating device," GB patent 1286821 (August 23, 1972)
- Bousso, D., "Computing
mechanisms," (כתבת
קורא נכבד, אם ידוע לך השם של מאמר זה, ו\או שם
הירחון\שבועון, ו\או תאריך\שנת הפירסום, אנא שלח
ב-אימייל אל:
לצורך הוספתם כאן
- Bousso, D., "A physical
explanation of gyroscopic motion,"
A chapter in a book to be published (in English, translated from [10]
ראה: הראובני, מאיר "גפיים מלאכותיות*
מדע, כרך י"ב חוברת 6 עמודים 344-343 1968
ביוגרפיה עברית אנגלית
תזות בהנחיית דינו בוסו - כותרות באנגלית
תזות בהנחיית דינו בוסו ופירסומים אחרים שלו ועליו בעברית - כותרות בעברית
רשימה יותר מפורטת של מראי מקום
ע"י או על או בהנחיית דינו בוסו - כותרות באנגלית
הרצאות של דינו בוסו
קורות חיים של דינו בוסו כפי שחיבר באמצע 1970
רשימת פירסומי
דינו בוסו כפי שהכין באמצע 1970
הידיעה על מותו
המצאתו לדריכת בטון
הניאגרה הדו-כמותית למיכל הדחה
שהיה ממציאה הראשון זכתה בפרס ראשון

ד"ר דינו בוסו מציג זרוע מלאכותית שפיתח
השוקלת 400 גרם
כף יד מלאכותית השוקלת 180 גרם בלבד
שפותחה ע"י תלמידו אבינועם לבני בהנחיית ד"ר דינו בוסו
הדפים על דינו בוסו באתר מחשב זה ברשות אלמנתו כריסטה
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